Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Negative 5

Here I am after my evening walk in -5 degrees with a windchill of -24.  The wind did blow ever so gently on my walk.  The air was so cold I could barely keep my eyes open.  Thankfully, Mark got me a face warmer for Christmas.  It sure has come in handy for these frigid temps.

Here House on the Hill sits in a winter wonderland of snow and ice.  We had to keep the faucet at a drip all night to keep the pipes from freezing.

Eric is shoveling the driveway as he likes to do.  The air has been so cold he had to take 20 minute breaks to warm up.

Here Daisy sits by the window washing herself and gazing at the snow.

Later she took a nap on my bed.  Its so cute how she tucks her head under.

Reading magazines can help pass the time on a winter's day.

And doing laundry and ironing on a cold winter's day can be a pleasant way to pass time.


Seawashed said...

Looks very cold. Daisy is adorable. Lily sleeps the same way. The photo of your ironing is lovely.

Rae said...

It's cold here...but not as cold where you are, Wow. All that snow.
You have a really cute kitty.
stay warm and cozy, friend!

Sue said...

Here I sit with bright sunlight streaming in the window, and it's hard to imagine that winter wonderland (though my kids are still hoping for it).

Your iron photo makes me want to go iron something - and that's saying a lot, considering how I usually feel about ironing! said...

brr! good job getting outside!! fun pics :-)

Tra La La Boom De Ay said...

Please come and read a post titled no words to describe. I want you to see what you have prayed me through over the past year. I had two friend in blogville who really helped me through this time and you were one of them. Thank you so much.

It has been cold hasnt it? Cold isnt even a good word to describe it and most will never know what we are trying to say about the bitter bite we have had.

I hope you are well.

Sharon said...

Brrr!!!! You are brave to get out and walk in that kind of cold!
Thank you for your kind words and prayer for me and my family. ((Hugs))

candy said...

i have the same iron! :) so now i will think of you whenever i iron!! :)