Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Lord Shut the Door

This morning I asked the Lord to make my desires line up with His.  Then tonight we finally received the counter on our offer for the White Cottage.  All we can figure from the counter is that the owner is not very motivated in selling his property right now.  So the Lord closed the door.  I was hopeful and had dreams.  I feel some disappointment, but I also feel peace, I am not devastated.  I know the Lord has a plan and I must trust that it is all good.  So our journey in finding a house continues.  Stay tuned. 


Anonymous said...

Becky, I am so sorry - I wanted to check in since I've been praying and wondering. I'm happy you have peace about the situation, and will be anxious to see the window God opens for you ...

sherry said...

He has the perfect little cottage all picked out - in His time it will be revealed. i'm learning that's the case on all things - not just houses. :o)


Chaos Cottage said...

It's seems we are both stuck waiting. It is so hard. My hubby is in his 27th month of unemployment. I just want to scream some days. I'm having a very difficult time. I will pray for you too.

Seawashed said...

You never know it could be because you are in Colorado temporarily. I know when we moved to Missouri we house/land hunted the entire time because we thought we were staying. We had moved there to stay. But in 18 short months we were back in was not our plan, but His.

Sunny said...

Disappointed for you and your family too. I am inspired by your faith, how you are at peace. He will make your path clear and straight. Would writing a personal letter to the owner be an option. Telling him of all the reasons you love this beautiful home and gardens, adding that if should like to revisit your offer down the road you'd be very appreciative. Sounds like he's testing the waters now so to speak. It's hard to let go of a home, especially when you've put so much of your heart into it throughout the years. As a creative artist, he is very much attached to his labor of love it seems. May God continue to bless you on your journey.