Thursday, March 10, 2011

More Sadness - Daisy is lost

Early in the morning I dropped Daisy off at the vet to be spayed.  I picked her up in the evening.  She was awake, but a tad groggy.  She would not be still once home.  She ate some food and then went right to licking her incision.  The vet told me she may need a cone, so I left her with my two sons and went to the pet store to get her one.  When I came home my sons were doing what they do.  I asked where Daisy was and they did not know.  When I went into the kitchen I saw that the back door was cracked and I knew right then and there she had gotten out.

Thankfully, our other kitty Dusty did not follow Daisy.  We found her sleeping under a bed.  We called and searched for Daisy all evening, even talked to neighbors, all to no avail.  It is now 9:30 at night and still no Daisy.  We are beside ourselves with sadness.  Living right across from the open space we know the situation is not good for Daisy.  Coyotes lurk about.  All we can do is hope and pray.


Seawashed said...

Oh how this breaks my heart. Your vet should have given you a cone! When Lily came home from getting spayed we were told to keep her in and resting for 10 days. The vet gave us a cone and Lily was very groggy for several days. It took her 8-10 days to bounce back. I'm so sad for you. I will pray.

sherry said...

oohhhh no.
my heart hurts for you, for daisy.