Sunday, November 7, 2010

Slowing Down

"But God was patient with them forty years, though they tried His patience sorely; He kept right on doing His might miracles for them to see.  But, God says, "I was very angry with them, for their hearts were always looking somewhere else instead of up to me, and they never found the paths I wanted them to follow."  Hebrews 3: 9-10

The other day while I was out shopping I noticed a sign that said "19 days till Thanksgiving".  Looking at that sign I wondered where had I been that I wasn't even aware that Thanksgiving was coming; especially when Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  Obviously, this was an indication that I had been caught up in a whirlwind.

I breathe a sigh of relief as I write this post.  With our landlord deciding that he is not serious about selling the house we are renting the Lord has provided us time...I have found rest from my weary travels down the real estate road.  We will keep our eye out for a house, which we believe the Lord wants us to do.  However, Mark and I believe that He has told us not to rush.  I knew that, but some how I couldn't stop myself from rushing.

Spiritually speaking, the bait that led me into the whirlwind is my desire to feel settled.  The morning before we met with our agent to view the house we were thinking we should put a bid on, I looked at the cross on the wall next to my vanity.  The cross says:  In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.  As I gazed at those words I said out loud, "Lord, I am acknowledging you."  You see, I laid my fleece out for the Lord.  My fleeces are always laid out in silence, the only one who knows is the Lord because He is the only one who sees my heart.  The fleece was simply that if He did not want me to go forward that He would place obstacles in the way.  Quietly the Lord spoke to me.  He said "What if I use your husband as the obstacle?"  I admit, sometimes I have trouble being in agreement with my husband.  I acknowledged it and I told the Lord I would let go.

So we went to our appointment with our agent and the Lord was with us (me).  Obstacles, arose.  The boys pointed out things about the house I did not notice.  Then at the end my husband was an obstacle, he told our agent he needed more time to think it over.  On the way back to House on the Hill  I felt a sense of relief and peace rushed over me.  I realized I did not need that house nor did I really want it.  I realized I had been caught up in a whirlwind.  It can be hard to hear the Lord's voice in a whirlwind due to tension, stress and confusion.  However, I am very happy that I was able to acknowledged the Lord in my whirlwind and that He led me to the green pasture beside the still waters.


sherry said...

what a rich, lovely post.

may we all be content where the Lord places our feet. and may our hearts follow. :o)


Anonymous said...

Becky, you are so often an encouragement to me! I love the way you acknowledged the Lord in the midst of your storm - today I'm going to try that as well. I hope your weekend is full of God's peace :)

Becky said...

Thank you ladies, I am glad you were blessed.