Monday, April 19, 2010


This weekend Mark and the boys were doing yard work when a rattlesnake jumped out and struck at Eric's hand.  Thank God my son had gloves on and that it was only a baby snake.  The guys immediately cut its head off and buried it.  They put the body on the porch for me to see.  Since we live so close to the mesa with all its open land rattlesnakes are part of the deal.

Last week was a hard week for our family.  Mark and I had a conference with one of the high school counselors.  We did not receive good news about what our boys are doing in school.  At this point, it does not look like they are going to pass.  So on April 26th Mark and I are going to an orientation meeting at a high school for kids with special needs.  We are praying.

Otherwise, I am sick with a bad cold.  People at our church have been sick and I figured it was only a matter of time before it got to me. Even so, on Saturday I cooked up a large pot of potato soup and made some banana oatmeal cookies.  Today however, it is jammies, tea and rest along with a little bit of laundry.  Oh my goodness, Mark just came home with a bunch of flowers for me!  How utterly sweet!!


sherry said...

oh gosh - watch out for the baby rattlers - they're the worst!

praying for your health <><

potato soup does sound good. it's overcast here and due to rain (again) so soup may very well be in order. :o)

what a dear husband you have.

praying for your son's education choices <><

jAne * tickleberry farm

Tra La La Boom De Ay said...

I hope that you are feeling better very soon. I know that cold has a tendency to hang around for a couple of weeks. My prayers over your home. Oh and the snake...just eck.

Sharon said...

Oh my! I'm so glad he was wearing gloves and it was a baby snake! My husband says, "A snake is a snake" and kills them if they come in our yard.

I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well!!! Praying you are better soon!

That's so sweet of him to bring you flowers to brighten up your day!! :)

Sue said...

Yikes! I think I would be wearing gloves a lot!

I'm sorry you're not feeling well... I've been fighting a sinus infection all week. It's no fun being sick, but we've had a few gray days nice for cuddling up and resting. Prayers for a quick recovery!