Monday, September 20, 2010


I am sort of confused as to where "home" is.  As a Christian, home is with the Lord in heaven.  He has gone to prepare a place for us.  As for "home" here on earth, well, I still wonder where that really is.  Going back to California felt like coming home, only I could not go to my Little Blue Cottage.  Instead I stayed at my parents home.  I very much enjoyed visiting family and friends, it felt so good.  It also felt good to drive around town (despite all the traffic) and pop into stores and restaurants that I have missed.  I also enjoyed viewing the ocean and feeling the gentle moist breezes blow through my hair.  Of course there was not enough time to do everything I wanted nor spend as much time visiting as I would like.  When it came time to leave I loaded my luggage into the trunk of my rental car and hugged my parents goodbye.  As I drove away I saw them in the rear view mirror watching me go...I started to well up with tears.

I made it to the airport, turned in the car and got through security.  I called Mark and the boys in Colorado, they were very excited that I was coming home.  I boarded the plane and found my seat.  As the plane lifted into the sky and flew out over the ocean and back over land I again got teary eyed.  Finally enough tears were shed and I opened a book and began reading, it really helped.  As we approached Denver I saw all the city lights and I began to think on my men, our friends, and House on the Hill.  The plane landed with a bump, was I home?  As I walked through the airport I finally spotted my men, they all had big smiles on their faces and couldn't wait to hug me.  As we drove home I realize that Colorado is not such a scary place for me anymore, I have good memories here.  Our car pulled up at House on the Hill and as I walked through the door there before me was a sign that said "Welcome Home Becky!". 


sherry said...

home <3

hm. while our true home is heaven (as you also said), we have little mansions in the meantime where our hearts are hugged and stories told. so thankful you enjoyed your other home for a time, then back to your 'other' other home...where hearts are kept and nurtured. a blessing.


Anonymous said...

Awww ... so happy that CO is beginning to seem more like home. And how neat to have a sign welcoming you back!

Sharon said...

I'm glad you had a nice time visiting your family and the places you love! But home on earth is where your hubby and children are. Just like jAne said...where hearts are kept and nurtured. :)